Flowchart - Factorial of a Number
Problem Statement
Draw a Flowchart to find the Factorial of a number.
Brief Description
According to the problem statement we have to draw a flowchart that will find the factorial of a given number.
Factorial of a number is obtained by multiplying all the integer values from 1 to that that number.
Also note the following two important points in order to find the factorial of a number:
(i) Factorial is not defined for the negative numbers.
(ii) Factorial of 0 is 1 i.e. 0!=1.
For example, if 5 is given as input, we will get 120 as output since 5!=1*2*3*4*5=120.

In order to draw the flowchart given above the following steps are taken into consideration:
- Initially 1 is stored in a variable namely fact.
- After that a number is taken as input from the user and is stored in a variable namely num.
- If the given number is negative, the message “Factorial is not defined for the negative numbers” is displayed as output.
- If the given number is greater than or equal to zero, factorial is computed and displayed as per the steps given below:
- At first 1 is stored in i.
- After that it is checked to see whether the value of i is <= the value of num. If it is then the following two steps are repeated till the value of i is <= the value of num:
- The value of fact is multiplied with the value of i and the result is stored in the same variable i.e. fact.
- The value of i is incremented by 1.
- If the value of i is > the value of num then the value of fact (which contains the factorial of the value stored in num) is displayed as output.
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