Python - Example Programs

Add Two Numbers

Write a program in Python to add two numbers entered by the user

Even or Odd Number

Write a program in Python to check whether an integer number entered by the user is Even or Odd

Factorial of a Number

Write a program in Python to find the Factorial of an integer number entered by the user

Perfect Number or not

Write a program in Python to check whether an integer number entered by the user is a Perfect number or not

Count Number of Digits of a Number

Write a program in Python to count the number of digits present in an integer number entered by the user

Sum of Digits of a Number

Write a program in Python to find the sum of the digits present in an integer number entered by the user

Reverse the Digits of a Number

Write a program in Python to reverse the digits present in an integer number entered by the user

Palindrome Number or not

Write a program in Python to check whether an integer number entered by the user is a Palindrome number or not
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